Knowledge Base

Magic Landing Plus Node Supported Regions

Last Updated: 2024-05-17

Please Use CTRL+F to quick search.

Still increasing...
When a new region is added to this list, it will be available immediately.

Magic Landing PLUS

Applicable products:

  • ALL our VPS Services!

But Exclude:

  • (No)

You can obtain the default gateway from this command:
ip route show default | awk '/default/ {print $3}'


PORT REGION Country Code
---------------- ---------------------- ----------------
50006 Afghanistan AF
50007 Australia AU
50008 Antarctic AQ
50009 Argentina AR
50010 Brazil BR
50011 Canada CA
50012 Chile CL
50013 Columbia CO
50014 North Korea KP
50015 Mexico MX
50016 Panama PA
50017 Turkey TR
50023 Columbia CO
52005 Albania AL
52006 Armenia AM
52007 Austria AT
52008 Belgium BE
52009 Bulgaria BG
52010 Switzerland CH
52011 Czechia CZ
----- Germany DE
52013 Denmark DK
52014 Estonia EE
52015 Spain ES
52016 Finland FI
52017 France FR
52018 United Kingdom GB
----- Greenland GL
52020 Greece GR
52021 Hungary HU
52023 Ireland IE
52022 Israel IL
----- Iceland IS
52025 Italy IT
52026 Kazakhstan KZ
52027 Lithuania LT
52028 Luxembourg LU
52029 Latvia LV
52030 Moldova MD
52031 Netherlands NL
52032 Norway NO
52033 Oman OM
52034 Poland PL
52035 Portugal PT
52036 Romania RO
52037 Serbia RS
52038 Russia RU
52039 Sweden SE
52040 Slovenia SI
52041 Slovakia SK
52042 United Arab Emirates AE
52043 Ukraine UA
52044 Vietnam VN
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